Start Right
Aug 11, 2024
Traditionally, you are taught to outcompete and outdo the other, but this is not the case in Truforgiveness Business. For you are going to stop seeing what the competition is doing, and instead, seek to uncover the light within to extend this without. Granted, there will be a period of unsettlement. For you must look upon the darkness within and clean this up in order to reclaim the light of Perfect Love that knows and does not perceive. This is the miracle, and what Michelangelo guided when he said he carved within the marble to set the angel free.
The light of greatness has been concealed within. Before you start building your dream, you must remove the darkness that seeks to cover the truth of your being everything. This belongs to the right mind, not the wrong.
You may have been told to look without and to find a niche that is not overcrowded, and if it is perform better than those that are there now. In Truforgiveness Business, you are simply withdrawing the shadows of sin that make your dream dark, instead of delightful. You are closing the gap from lack to abundance, staying in your own lane, not seeking to outrun or unbalance another. For as you be more, you will have more. For being and having cannot be parted.
You will start to climb above the ego battlefield of sin, guilt, and fear, that believes in lack, loss, and limitation. By reclaiming the light of Perfect Love you will not be denied your good and great dream in time.
Everything is made in the mind, as what you seem to experience on the level of form is merely the picture painted of your thoughts projected outward. The problems you face in business always stem from the belief in separation, which gave rise to every problem or pain that you move through in time. Continue to clean within, by following the process of FAITH, and you will move from fear to love and punishment to peace. One Truforgiveness opportunity at a time.
To start right is to remove the darkness that covers your light. To allow the extension of abundance, blessings, confidence, etc. to wrap you up in safety, security and success.
Your business is made within before it is seen without. Remove the barriers to the awareness of love's presence and lift your business dreams up, where you can build your castles in the sky. For you will be building with the power of Oneness, not the limited thinking of the ego-mind that deems pain, punishment, and problems to be the norm.
Remember, Truforgiveness Business is about reclaiming the right mind and following your true purpose and passion, without the shadows of doubt and despair the wrong mind of ego thinking teaches. When you reclaim the light if Perfect Love you will shine this without, and be happy with your story in time.
To start right is to remove the shadows of sin, guilt, and fear that keep you stuck in suffering. For as you be more you will have more, for you must escape the wrong mind of limitation to know you are not bound by the laws the belief in separation from Source has made.
What do you want to start right? What did you dream of doing as a child? What do you need help with? get drawing up your treasure maps to remove the barriers that keep you stuck in separation from success.
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,