The Treasure Hunt
The month-long program granting ten (10) treasure maps to assist to remove numerous shadows of sickness and suffering.
Ten Treasure Maps
15+ Hrs of Truforgiveness Practice
$200 Each Purchase
* True healing is made via practical application not theology alone. Always listen to the inner voice so the shift from terror to truth does not induce more fear. Do not do more than one treasure map per day.
The darkness hides your dream
Find the best clients filled with light
What Can You Expect
By the time you complete your treasure hunt, you would have removed many layers of darkness that keep you stuck in littleness, lack, and limitation. For the light of completion - the right mind - has the power to make your dreams come true.
Take Your Time
Do not rush through, for the more darkness you clean up the more light you reclaim
Go at Your Own Pace
Listen to the right mind as to the pace that you are to go. So the shifts are not too powerful
The Truth of Trust
Trust belongs to the right mind not the wrong. In the presence of Perfect Love
The Treasure Hunt
Do not begrudge your Truforgiveness practice, for without this true healing, you would find it difficult to reclaim the light that was kept hidden from your thinking.
As you move through the 'forgiving within,' if things get darker for you initially, please know that the knot within is being undone. Your function is to mentally dig deep and continue to truly forgive it all. No matter what picture in time is painted. This allows you to uncover the light of Perfect Love to extend this without, which is what will illuminate your story in time.